Shahmen Suku - Banana Power

Shahmen Suku - Banana Power

Sorry this event has been and gone


  • Sat 29 Sep ’18, 10:30am – 11:15am
  • Sat 29 Sep ’18, 1:30pm – 2:15pm


107 Projects, 107 Redfern Street, Redfern


All Ages


Official Website

Bananas are an integral part of the Indian culture. This plant is considered sacred and is a part of various customs and rituals. The leaves are used as natures biodegradable plates and almost every part of this tree can be eaten if cooked the right way. The flower of the Banana tree is an amazing sight, its deep purple petals opens up to reveal hundreds of white flowers that eventually turn into bananas.

Preparing the banana flowers for consumption is a tedious and laborious process but highly rewarding. This process is also done communally with the family/extended family. Cooking with his family is how Shahmen heard many stories from his mother and family and history of migration and his ancestors.
Immersed in a jungle of banana trees, Radha will perform and guide audiences in preparing the banana flowers while regaling stories from their ancestors.

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